



王女士于滙丰工作逾25 年,曾出任不同的管理层职务,包括中小企、中端市场以至大型企业的客户管理、策略规划,以及市场营销等。


王女士同时活跃于推动滙丰的多元和共融文化。她是滙丰员工资源小组Women’s Network的创会主席,宗旨是为支持女性专业发展而创办。

Eric Chan

Chief Public Mission Officer


Ir. Chan is in charge of building the digital technology start-up ecosystem at Cyberport, with the mission to inspire the next generation, nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, and to empower global ambition, by providing comprehensive entrepreneurship programmes, funding support and international partnership to connect start-ups to customers, investors and technology providers in support of their scale-up journey.

Ir. Chan has over 30 years’ experience in the ICT, technology and service industry, a chartered engineer, a chartered marketer and a Fellow of Institution of Engineering & Technology (UK). Prior to joining Cyberport, Chan was a Director at HGC Global Communication; and has held various senior positions in global telecom and IT services companies. Ir. Chan has been active in public services including education, industrial training, professional bodies and charitable organisations. Chan is a frequent speaker at conferences and serves on the judging panels of many international ICT and innovation awards.

Ir. Chan holds a BSc. (Hon) degree in Engineering from University of London, a Master degree in Business Administration from Manchester Business School, and has received Senior Executive Education from INSEAD (France) and IESE (Spain) business schools. Ir. Chan is the Chairman of Knowledge Management Development Center, Vice Chairman of ICT Industrial Training Advisory Committee (ICT Qualification Framework), Vice Chairman of HK Next Generation Internet Society, a member of Curriculum Development Council under Education Bureau and Vice President of Family First Foundation.

Raymond Wong

Head of Investment
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation


Raymond Wong, Head of Investment, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), manages the HKSTP Venture Fund and Investor Engagement departments. He has over 25 years of extensive financial services experience in venture capital, private equity investment, and investment banking in Asia Pacific. Prior to HKSTP, Raymond was with HSBC Private Equity Asia for 16 years. Active in the VC and PE circle, Raymond is a member of the Venture Committee, Hong Kong VC & PE Association and a director of the Hong Kong Business Angel Network.

Raymond has a MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering from University of Toronto.





关明生也曾服务财富500强企业--英国所属的BTR Plc担任中国区总裁4年。在BTR, 关先生担任中国区总裁,下辖8个生产分部。通过3年的合并和扩展,取得了一亿五千万美元每年的销售收入的业绩。



关明生出生於香港,1965-1969年就读於英国剑桥郡工业学院,获得国家高级文凭;并先後获得Loughborough University of Technology 和伦敦商学院授予的工程学和科学硕士学位。







盛博士持有加拿大西安大略大学荣誉法律博士学位丶以及香港城市大学丶香港科技大学及香港公开大学 (现名为香港都会大学) 荣誉工商管理博士学位。

盛博士於2001 受委任为太平绅士。亦分别在2004和2011分被嘉许金紫荆星章和大紫荆勋章,以表扬盛博士对香港社会的贡献。

Andrew Lo

CEO & Executive Director
Crystal International Group


Mr. Lo Ching Leung Andrew, is the Chief Executive Officer and executive director of the Crystal International Group Limited (listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange, stock code: 2232), one of the world largest apparel manufacturers. With around 30 years of experience in the apparel manufacturing industry, he is now primarily responsible for formulating and overseeing the overall development strategies and operation of the Group.

Mr. Lo served as a softgoods sub-committee member of The Hong Kong Exporters’ Association from 2003 to 2007, as well as a director of the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel from 2010 to 2016. He has been a director of the Textile Council of Hong Kong Limited since 2014. Mr. Lo was a member of the Textiles Advisory Board from 2013 to 2018 and was a member of the Trade and Industry Advisory Board from 2017 to 2019. He has been a director of Law’s Foundation Limited since 2018.

Mr. Lo graduated from the University of Toronto with a bachelor’s degree in arts.



柏恩司(Austin R. Bryan)於2016年5月加入中电控股,出任创新高级总监一职,带领集团在发展创新业务和加强夥伴合作方面的工作,以把握全球能源业在减碳和数码化进程中所衍生的机遇。柏恩司是推动数码媒体业创新服务的翘楚,在革新金融及电讯业商业活动方面享负盛名。

柏恩司的经验包括在1990年代初推出德国首项直接银行理财服务丶为美国运通建立网上客户服务平台,以及与3 Mobile推出澳洲首个3G多媒体流动网络。他在加入中电前为Singtel Optus策略创新部副总裁,专责数码媒体项目的收购事宜,建立了价值十亿美元的数码媒体业务并推动新产品及服务。

Ben Wong

Assistant General Manager
Eureka Nova | New World Group Member


Ben manages and drives the strategy of Eureka Nova, a leading open innovation platform that empowers technology startups to co-create within the New World Group ecosystem of culture, creativity and innovation. Through Eureka Nova’s accelerator programs, open competitions and sandboxes, participating startups work with New World Group’s business units and corporate partners to design innovative technologies that solve real business problems. Ben also co-founded Impact Kommons, the first UN SDG accelerator in APAC focused on accelerating impact with purpose-driven startups.

Prior to Eureka Nova, Ben founded Startup Launchpad, now Asia’s largest I.o.T. startup trade event. He has helped startups raise more than $2 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. He is an angel investor and regularly mentors in startup support programs.

Ben graduated from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and holds a Masters in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Bong Chan

Southern Region Leader
China TMT Industry, Deloitte China


Bong Chan is the Leader of Southern China Region Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Industry at Deloitte China.

Bong has more than 20 years of professional experience providing services to listed companies, large multinational companies and large mainland enterprises in a wide range of industries such as technology, media and telecommunications, manufacturing and property development. He has also led a number of cross-border IPOs and special audit engagements.

Bong also takes several public office roles as following:

  • Member of Shenzhen Yantian Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (Hong Kong and Macau) (盐田政协)
  • Vice-Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries Group 18 (Hong Kong ProServices Council) (香港工业总会)








唐启波先生是戈壁创投的管理合伙人,他具有十馀年投资中国科技初创企业的经验。他负责带领戈壁创投大湾区团队,成为管理阿里巴巴创业者基金的唯一合作夥伴。另外他也成功主导投资 Airwallex, WeLab丶GOGOX丶 AutoX丶 Amber Group丶 Animoca Brands丶 Prenetics丶 OneDegree丶 Urban Revivo丶 DayDayCook丶 AQUMON丶 SHOPLINE和 SandboxVR等项目。

唐先生在业界屡获殊荣,先後获得”Silicon Dragon年度最佳风险投资人 2017”丶”全球25位风险投资明日之星“丶“全球10位新锐领袖”, 而且成为了 Gen.T Tatler Tribe 的成员及亚洲科技创业会议联席主席。

唐先生毕业於哈佛大学,拥有应用数学与经济学学士学位,并获得中欧国际商学院工商管理硕士学位。唐先生加入戈壁创投前,他曾在摩立特集团上海管理谘询公司(Monitor Group Asia )任职东南亚及中东等国家和地区的企业战略顾问和在博世公司担任亚太区企业战略高级经理职务。唐启波先生於2009年加入戈壁创投,现成为负责戈壁创投香港办公室的合夥人。

Clara Ho

Advisor to CEO
Baring Private Equity Asia


Ms. Ho joined Baring Private Equity Asia (BPEA) in 2012. Ms. Ho is involved in a range of activities at BPEA including growth equity investing, business development and ESG. Prior to joining the Firm, Ms. Ho was a partner at Headland Capital Partners (formerly known as HSBC Private Equity Asia) where she worked for 16 years with extensive investment experience across Asia.

Ms. Ho holds a Bachelor degree in Economics and Accounting from University of Bristol and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.








陈婉真现任Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited 行政总裁及蚂蚁集团大湾区战略发展及政府事务执行副总裁。

她是一位备受尊敬的会计专业人士和金融科技领导者,二十多年来一直担任高级管理职务。在加入蚂蚁集团之前,她曾在多家财富500强跨国公司和全球企业集团获得丰富的高级管理经验。 2016年,她看到在香港发展电子钱包服务的潜力,主动与蚂蚁集团展开讨论成立合资企业的可能性。这不仅是促使走出自己舒适区的一个大胆之举,也对香港的金融科技行业产生重大影响。

陈婉真在企业丶金融科技行业和会计行业都是备受赞誉的远见卓识者和领导者。在2021年,她被《金融科技杂志》评为全球排行榜上金融科技100强领导者之一。在2019年,她先後获选为香港及大中华区ACCA年度倡导者,并推选为2021/22 年度ACCA香港分会会长。


Konakajima Yohei

Senior Manager


Yohei is a Senior Manager of Strategic Product Planning Department in Epson Hong Kong.

He leads the dedicated team for investment and collaboration projects with startups in the Greater China and other regions.

He joined Epson in 2019 and built the team from scratch, supporting the launch of CVC in the Epson group at the same time.

He is now in charge of promoting investment and collaboration projects with the ecosystem partners outside Japan, and expanding innovative ideas among the whole Epson group.

Prior to joining Epson, he worked in the banking and consulting sectors for almost 10 years. Throughout his career, he has experienced projects in various industries and mostly worked with management issues. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from Keio University and an MBA from INSEAD.




HKEX, the parent company of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, is one of the world’s largest operators of financial market infrastructure.

The 2,500+ companies that are listed in Hong Kong include some of the most exciting entrepreneurial growth stories of the modern era. HKEX strives to use the full resources of this incredible network to make the city’s capital markets more open, more accessible to younger generations and more interesting to human and machine intelligence alike.

Lukas’ team is tasked with modernising HKEX’s platforms, processes and capabilities by applying artificial intelligence, automation and knowledge-based tools across its IPO, trading, clearing, regulatory and market surveillance activities. The HKEX Innovation and Data Lab also incubates creative business ideas and start-ups that are additive to the growth of Hong Kong’s capital markets.

Lukas has been involved in various initiatives that have shaped Hong Kong’s capital markets over the past decade, including HKEX’s acquisition of the London Metal Exchange; China-Hong Kong Stock Connect; Bond Connect; and the landmark reforms of Hong Kong’s listing regime that have propelled it to the #1 global IPO venue in 7 of the past 12 years.



冯咏仪女士为冯氏零售集团董事总经理和亚洲零售公司(Asia Retail Company Limited) 行政总裁。亚洲零售公司专注於协助国际品牌进军亚洲市场,是冯氏集团旗下一员。

冯女士同时出任冯氏投资管理有限公司投资总监。她早於2000年投入家族生意,在冯氏集团旗下的私人投资部门担任投资经理一职,负责管理家族投资。在加入冯氏集团前,冯女士在纽约的布朗兄弟哈里曼公司(Brown Brothers Harriman & Co)任职,其後於该公司的香港办事处担任副经理一职至1999年。冯女士在零售业拥有丰富经验,曾任职於Salvatore Ferragamo亚洲的市场推广及公共关系部门丶利丰(贸易)有限公司的采购部门,以及利丰美国的批发品牌部门。在2017年,冯女士更入选《时装商业评论》(Business of Fashion) 的「500榜单」及《女装日报》(Women’s Wear Daily) 的「10位明日之星」。


在国际上,冯女士为麦拿伦顾问小组丶哈佛大学国际顾问委员会丶纽约卡内基音乐厅公司(The Carnegie Hall Corporation)的信托委员会成员。此外,冯女士亦为美国新罕布什尔州圣保罗学校亚洲会联席主席,亦曾为该校信托委员会成员。

1993年, 冯女士获哈佛大学的经济学文学士学位。



罗宝瑜女士,为瑞安房地产执行董事,同时担任瑞安新天地有限公司副主席兼执行董事。罗女士同时领导本集团企业发展和业务创新,亦协助本公司主席领导公司发展策略。罗女士於2012年8月加瑞安房地产,於中国房地产发展行业丶建筑丶室内设计及其他艺术企业拥有逾 17 年工作经验。加入本集团之前,罗女士曾於纽约市数间建筑及设计公司任职,其中包括於零售设计享负盛名的Studio Sofield。彼持有麻省韦尔斯利学院建筑学士学位。罗女士现担任中国人民政治协商会议第十三届上海市委员会委员。彼於2020年获选为世界经济论坛全球青年领袖。罗女士於2019年1月1日起获委任为瑞安建业有限公司的非执行董事。

Suzanne Cheng

Chief Financial Officer
Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited


Suzanne Cheng has been Chief Financial Officer of the Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited since 2012. She is a qualified accountant with membership of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms Cheng holds a Master of Science degree in Finance. She has more than 24 years of experience in accounting and finance for corporate and banking sectors.

Winnie Chiu, JP


邱咏筠太平绅士毕业於伦敦大学商业管理学系,目前为帝盛酒店集团总裁及执行董事,远东发展有限公司执行董事(FEC,香港股票代号:035),同时亦出任AGORA酒店集团有限公司董事长(股票代号:9704 - 东京证券交易所的第一部分)。截至2022年1月,帝盛母公司远东发展之主要股东通过不同结构的投资组合在全球拥有,管理和发展64家酒店,合共约14,000间客房。

邱女士大力支持大湾区新经济生态的发展,尤其是科技丶医疗丶ESG等领域的初创公司和青年企业家。邱女士是海阔天空创投基金的管理团队成员丶阿里巴巴创业者基金(大湾区)和AsteraCapital Fund的顾问委员会成员。此外,邱女士还为其他投资基金提供战略性建议和运作指导。



邱女士荣获香港演艺学院荣誉院士丶职业训练局荣誉院士丶女当家传承大奖2017丶金紫荆女企业家非凡大奖丶首届世界杰出华人青年大奖丶Women of Hope环球成功人士大奖,福布斯亚洲杰出女性企业家12强及全港时尚专业女性。

Yina Chan

Saltagen Ventures

Yina 同时亦为跨国风投机构Saltagen Ventures的投资总监,领投过十间遍布加拿大丶美国丶丹麦丶澳洲丶香港等地的科技公司,包括医疗科技丶人工智能丶培植肉等范畴。

她亦是一家本地媒体公司Women In Work的General Manager,她主力推广女性在不同行业中作为创新领导者的声音,并支持女性创立的本地香港品牌,以及以「community」的概念打造新媒体。
