Are You Eligible?
Think you have what it takes? JUMPSTARTER 2022 is open to startups from all around the world that fulfil the following requirements:
Operating for less than 5 years
Raised less than US$20 million in funding to date
Currently between the Seed and Series C stages of funding
Possess an innovative product or service
Desire to make Hong Kong or other cities in the Greater Bay Area be part of your future plans
What Do You Need?
Online Submission

Teams are required to submit their pitch deck via the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund Service Platform ( The pitch deck should consist of the following:


A PowerPoint presentation of up to 15 slides in PDF format, including but not limited to:

  1. Founder Background and Story
  2. Team Profile
  3. Value Proposition and Product/Services Description
  4. Market Size and Target Segment Analysis
  5. Business Model
    • Pricing, Cost and Unit Economics
    • Acquisition, Distribution and Supply Chain
    • Entry Barrier and Competitive Analysis
    • Scalability, Growth and Risk Factors
    • Historical Milestone, Operation & Financial Traction and Future Development Plan
  6. Fundraising History and Plan
  7. Hong Kong or GBA Nexus
    • Current Operation Location
    • Future Plan in Hong Kong or the Greater Bay Area

A 1 to 2-min Video Introduction

As a founder, tell us about yourself, your team, your vision and mission, your startup (what your company does and for what customer), Why you? Why are you doing this?

Video Guideline:

  1. Submit an access link to watch and download
  2. Video background color: White
  3. Length: 1-2 mins
  4. Aspect ratio (mobile vertical): 9:16
  5. Minimum resolution: 1080 x 1920 or 4K
  6. Video format: MP4, MPEG-4, .mov

Online Screening & Scoring
  • The screening and scoring will be processed by the AEF team.
  • A total of 100 teams will be shortlisted for the Semi Pitch.
  • Present your business pitch ideas in either English, Cantonese or Mandarin
  • Present your pitch deck in English only
  • Our pitch timer will begin once you start your pitch
  • Semi Pitch: Top 100
    • Each shortlisted startup takes part in online pitch
    • 5-min presentation + 3-min Q&A
  • Top 10 Teams are selected by a panel of judges for Final Pitch
  • All pitching sessions will be recorded and publicly presented online.
Judging Criteria
Innovation and Industry Disruption
  • Evidence of innovative advances in product, service, application, adoption etc
  • Potential to disrupt the relevant industry
  • Value proposition
Market Potential, Business Model & Scalability
  • Ability of the idea to generate revenue
  • Competitiveness, barriers to entry, first mover advantages etc
  • Unit economics and scalability
Traction and Further Development Plan
  • Operation and financial metrics, milestones and achievements since inception
  • Forecast and product roadmap
Team Background and Strength
  • Capabilities and expertise to execute the business plan
  • Passion, ambition, vision and culture
Hong Kong or the Greater Bay Area Nexus (Founder Background + HK / GBA Plan)
  • Background of founders
  • Plans to utilize Hong Kong or GBA to expand your business
  • Evidence of existing or future operation plans in Hong Kong or GBA
  • Passion, ambition, vision and culture
Social Impact
  • Contribution to general wellbeing of wider society
Who Are The Judges?

Renowned investors. Experienced business leaders. Top teams will be selected and ranked by a high-profile judging panel that includes:

  • Investors from International Enterprises
  • Investment Directors of Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund
  • Senior Executive of Alibaba and other corporates
  • Established Entrepreneurs
  • Key Incubators and Accelerators
Why And How Due Diligence Is Conducted?

To ensure all finalists are qualified to compete to win up to US$4 million in investment commitment, the top 10 teams are required to go through a due diligence process conducted by the Investment Manager of the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund before advancing to the FINAL pitch.

Due diligence is a rigorous evaluation of an investment opportunity before the commitment to invest. The process involves an in-depth investigation of the market opportunity, business model, key performance metrics, and management team.